Poinsettia Care Guide: Keeping This Seasonal Plant Happy and Healthy

Welcome back to our monthly plant spotlight series! Here we highlight a different plant each month and provide you with all the information you need to successfully care for it. This month we’re exploring the Poinsettia, the perfect holiday plant to add to your seasonal decor. Let’s dive into this Poinsettia care guide so you can keep this beauty healthy and happy all season!

Plant Overview

  • – Common Names: Poinsettia
  • – Native to Middle Tennessee: No
  • – Perennial or Annual: Annual in Middle TN
  • – Deer Tolerant: Yes
  • – Drought Tolerant: No
  • – Low or High Maintenance: Moderate

Plant Care

Poinsettia is a beautiful plant often used during the holiday season thanks to its bright red and creamy white colors (though it does also have a big variety of other colors). Whether you’re looking for a pop of classic color in your seasonal decor, needing a gift for an event or looking for a plant to complement your individual holiday style (pink anyone?!) this is a great plant to have on hand!

To ensure the health and vibrancy of your plant this season, follow this Poinsettia care guide:

Light Requirements:

Poinsettia needs 4-6 hours of bright indoor light daily.


This is a plant that is very particular about its water! Soggy soil will quickly cause rot while drying out rapidly causes wilted leaves. Use a well draining soil and container with drainage holes to prevent standing water. If your plant feels light when you pick it up or the soil feels dry to the touch then water thoroughly. We recommend using a sink to do this so that it can be saturated fully before draining and being put back on display. Making sure that your Poinsettia has the right amount of water is the key to a happy plant!

Soil Type:

Poinsettia thrives in well draining soil. If you’re only planning on keeping the plant through the season then the soil it came in will work perfectly. You may need to make some adjustments if you decide to try overwintering (more on that process later).


Since this plant is used mainly as a short term decoration there is no need for fertilizing! If you plan to overwinter there are some specific fertilization needs during that process so check out the link below in the overwintering portion to learn more.


The only necessary pruning for a one season Poinsettia is to trim off diseased or dying parts parts so that infection doesn’t spread or to prolong its beauty near the end of the season. For the most part they don’t need any type of pruning thanks to their 2-3 month life span.


While Poinsettias are generally used only for the season it is possible to overwinter them. Since this is a relatively involved process most people choose to just buy new plants each year. If you’re interested in keeping your Poinsettia alive to have it bloom again next year check out this article from the University of Minnesota. We like this one in particular because it gives a timeline based on holidays which is fun and easy to follow!

Common Problems


Whiteflies are the most common pest to Poinsettias. These are small white flying bugs that lay eggs on the underside of the leaves. The best way to avoid this problem is prevention. Check all plants thoroughly including under leaves and along stem before bringing them home. If you do end up with whiteflies you can use a sticky card made for flies in the back of the plant and then discard the entire plant after the holiday.


The most common disease for Poinsettia is root rot. Implementing proper watering will greatly reduce the risk of developing this disease. Check to see if watering is necessary by picking up the pot to check its weight and putting your fingers in the soil. If the pot is very light and the soil is dry to the touch then it’s time to water! We recommend watering in a sink so you can fully saturate the soil and allow to drain before putting the plant back in its usual spot. You should need to water about once a week as long as your plant isn’t near any door ways, fans or vents that would cause it to dry out quickly. Watch for brown rot at base of stems and wilting or falling off leaves that let you know something is wrong.

Environmental Stress:

Poinsettias are pretty particular about their environment. With such beautiful color they get to call the shots! It is important to keep Poinsettias in a stable environment. Keep them away from drafty areas like doorways or under vents. They thrive in a constant temperature between 65-70 degrees and will not survive any temps below 50 degrees. Poinsettias who are exposed to sudden changes in temperature or a cool or dry room are known to dramatically drop their leaves.

Why we Love it:

Poinsettia is a classic choice when it comes to holiday greenery. Here are 3 reasons we love it!

  1. Seasonal Cheer: The color on this plant is so bright and full that it’s sure to make a big impression whether you have just one as table decor or you group many together in a bigger display. The possibilities for this plant are endless for decorating during the holiday season!
  2. Beautiful Variety: The variety of colors available for Poinsettias allow it to be the perfect accent in every space. Whether you want the traditional stand out red or are looking for a beautiful creamy white to match a more modern look there is a perfect poinsettia. There are also a range of pinks and variegated varieties for a  more fun and eclectic look!
  3. Great Gifts: Poinsettias make a wonderful gift during the season of giving. If you’re attending an event or dinner and need a hostess gift you can’t go wrong with a beautiful Poinsettia.


Now that you have all the information needed to care for Poinsettia, it’s time to bring this stunning plant into your home for the holiday season. Even if you tend to have more of a black thumb with this Poinsettia care guide you should be able to keep your plant alive at least until the New Year! Stay tuned for our next monthly plant spotlight and happy gardening!

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