How to Prepare Your Landscape for the Summer Heat

to Prep Your landscape for summer heat with 3 pictures including a man mowing a well landscaped yard, large white hydrangeas and an irrigation head watering a lawn.

The intense heat here in Middle TN during the summer months can take a toll on your landscape. The heat and drought stress weaken plants and make them more susceptible to damage from outside forces. One of the most important things you can do is prepare your landscape for the summer heat. Taking the time now to make sure that your landscape is ready gives you a beautiful garden throughout this intense season.

Finish New Planting Projects

If you have some landscape upgrades planned that include new plant materials now is the time to complete those projects. When temperatures reach 90 degrees and remain there it’s much harder for plants to establish themselves in a new environment. The intense sun leaches moisture from the soil as well as the tender plant itself. Even supplemental watering may not be enough for the new material to put down the roots necessary to grow. If it’s unavoidable to plant during a heat wave make sure you are able to provide adequate shade to the new plants and have a strong watering system in place to help them beat the heat.

Complete Seasonal Pruning

Shaping bushes and trees and doing any kind of major cutbacks should be done now to avoid unnecessary plant stress. Freshly cut plant material is more susceptible to damage from the sun and will have a harder time repairing in dry conditions even with a good watering system. Growth will naturally slow during the most intense of the heat as the plants use their energy to keep current foliage healthy instead of pushing new growth. If you see dead areas in bushes or flowers it is recommended to prune out or deadhead so that the plant will stop wasting energy on trying to regrow that area. Do so selectively and your plants will thrive!

Apply Fertilizer

Spring fertilization gives your landscape a growth boost before it gets too hot. This will help your lawn, bushes and flowers fill out between the winter and summer extremes. Being at its healthiest gives your landscape a much better chance at surviving tough weather. Healthy plants are better able to bounce back from pest or pathogen damage or avoid an infestation altogether. Make sure to follow all instructions carefully if you decide to DIY this task so that you don’t unintentionally damage your landscape instead.

Mulch All Bed Spaces

Mulch has a variety of beneficial uses for protecting your landscape in the summer heat. If you haven’t had mulch applied yet this year make sure to do it now! Mulch will help the soil retain moisture by protecting it from the sun. Mulch protected soil also remains cooler than exposed soil which protects roots from getting too hot and stunting growth. Beyond the aesthetic benefits of mulch it will do a lot to protect your landscape during a heat wave.

Create a Good Watering System

Whether you have an irrigation system or get by with hand watering making sure that your landscape gets enough water is one of the most important ways to prepare your landscape for the summer heat. The best time to water your landscape is first thing in the morning. Doing this allows the plants to dry out some during the day which will help prevent many infections. Watering deeply a few times a week is better for the landscape than shallow waterings every day. To ensure deep watering check the soil afterward to see that the water reaches a depth of 2-3 inches or set up a water catcher to track inches put out. If you’re hand watering and it feels overwhelming check out our irrigation page and see if that’s a good solution for your home or business.

Keep Grass Mowed

Keeping grass mowed through the spring helps encourage root growth and strengthens your lawn. Aside from drought conditions it is important to keep with a regular mowing schedule throughout the summer season. Proper mowing techniques such as updated/ well kept equipment plus detailed attention to turf will keep your lawn healthy and beautiful.

Create the Right Conditions for Your Plants

Lastly of course is to keep in mind what each plant in your landscape needs to thrive. If you see signs of stress then it is important to take action quickly. You can use shade sails or umbrellas for plants in landscape beds that are withering from the sun. Moving containers with sensitive plants to covered porches or inside during the hottest days can keep them healthy. If you follow these guidelines for how to prepare you landscape for summer heat each spring you’ll have a beautiful landscape no matter how hot this summer gets! As always if you need some help make sure to give us a call!

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