Refreshing Mulch After Summer: Why You Should Add This Step to Your Fall Landscape Checklist

Refreshing Mulch After Summer: Why you should add this step to your fall landscape checklist!

As the seasons change so do the needs of your garden. With the arrival of autumn refreshing mulch in your landscape becomes paramount. This simple task yields a host of benefits: it retains moisture, regulates temperature, suppresses weeds, prevents erosion and improves the appearance of your landscape. In this article we’ll delve into these advantages and show you why refreshing mulch after summer is a must for fall landscape care.

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1. Helps with Moisture Retention

Adding a second round of mulch after the summer season is a smart move to help your landscape retain precious moisture. Summer’s heat and sun can leave your soil dry, making it a challenge for plants to thrive. By applying a fresh layer of mulch, you create a protective shield that reduces moisture evaporation and preserves hydration levels in the soil. This ensures your plants stay adequately watered, which then provides them with the essential sustenance they need for their transition into autumn.

2. Temperature Regulation from Mulch Protects Roots

Mulch doesn’t just guard against moisture loss; it also plays a crucial role in regulating soil temperature. Fall in Middle TN brings with it dramatic temperature swings which can be hard on tender roots. Mulch provides an insulating layer, keeping the soil at a more stable temperature. This stability encourages root growth and ensures your plants remain healthy as they transition into the fall season.

3. Provides a Fresh Look for Fall Festivities

Refreshing mulch after the summer season not only offers practical advantages but also brings a renewed aesthetic charm to your landscape. A fresh layer of mulch instantly revitalizes the visual appeal of your garden beds. Doing this provides a clean, uniform backdrop for your plants. The rich, earthy tones of mulch complement the vibrant colors of autumn foliage. This creates a picturesque contrast that enhances the overall beauty of your outdoor space. It’s like giving your garden a well deserved makeover, making it more inviting and visually pleasing for you and your guests to enjoy.

4. Keeps the Weeds at Bay

When you refresh you mulch after summer, you’re also taking a stand against pesky weeds. Weeds flourish in the summer and throughout autumn into the winter months here in Middle TN. Fresh mulch acts as a natural weed suppressant by blocking sunlight and making it difficult for weeds to grow. By preventing weed growth you save time and effort on removal. You also maintain the pristine appearance of your garden beds through this process. A mulch refresh keeps your landscape looking neat and weed free as you transition into the fall season.

5. Safeguards Your Soil From Erosion

Refreshing mulch after summer serves as a dependable shield against erosion. With the changing weather patterns that often accompany the transition from summer to fall, soil erosion can become a real threat. A fresh layer of mulch acts as a natural barrier. Mulch prevents rainwater from washing away valuable topsoil. By anchoring the soil in place, it safeguards your landscape from the potentially damaging effects of heavy rains and ensures the long term stability of your garden beds.


In conclusion, mulch is not just a simple layer of material on your garden; it’s a multifaceted ally that can transform your landscape after the summer season. From retaining moisture and regulating temperature to suppressing weeds and enhancing the look of your property, mulch offers a host of benefits that every gardener should embrace. So, as you bid farewell to summer, remember to welcome the protective embrace of mulch to ensure a thriving and beautiful landscape all year round.

Remember to give SCW group a call if you want to enjoy the season instead of working on your seasonal to-do list!

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